Internships proposal

The UTCBS accompanies and supervises interns all year long

In 2022, we supervised students in BTS in 1st and 2nd year for professional internships, students in 3rd year for observation internship.

Various study topics were covered :

BTS 2 topic: Insertion of the GFP* fluorescent protein coding sequence, upstream of the B-actin* gene, using CRISPR/CAS9* technology, on cultured mouse skin cells. The objective was to show that we were able to use this recent technology (awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020) on a constitutive gene* and on cells that are easy to transfect*.


Common topic for BTS 1: Insertion of the sequence coding for the fluorescent protein GFP, upstream of the B-actin gene, using CRISPR/CAS9 technology, on mouse macrophages* in culture. The objective was to apply to macrophages what had been successfully achieved on skin cells, knowing that macrophages are more difficult to transfect.


3rd grade subject : Identification of a plasmid, byThe objective was to show the different types of plasmids that can be used to identify a plasmid, by bacterial transformation, cell transfection and “genetic fingerprinting”. The objective was to show him different techniques and analysis tools of the laboratory in the playful form of a “police investigation”.

From January 2023, two BTS 2 are working on a common subject: Genetic and protein analysis of macrophages (modified by CRISPR/CAS9 technology) to identify a clone producing the cytokine GFP-TNF*.

February-March 2023: Accompaniment of a BTS 2 whose subject is: Study of the production of the TNF cytokine by macrophages (wild or modified by CRISPR/CAS9 technology) after induction by natural or artificial activating molecules (CRISPR/dCas9 plasmids activating TNF).

Also to read​

Thesis defense at UTCBS: Marion HECKMANN

Thesis defense at UTCBS: Marion HECKMANN

On October 24, 2024, Marion Heckmann successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled “Purification and characterization of hypertrophied hepatic stellate cells in a murine model of metabolic hepatic fibrosis”, under the supervision of Dr Virginie Escriou and Dr Céline...