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Abdelrahman HASSAN

PhD student

PhD student – MTCI Doctoral School fellowship.

Biography: Abdelrahman Hassan holds a bachelor’s degree in clinical pharmacy followed by a master’s degree in nanomedicine and drug delivery systems from Bani-Suef University (Egypt). He pursued a second master’s degree in the development of drugs and health products at Paris-Saclay University as an IDEX fellowship holder.

His research project focuses on the development of targeted nanocrystals of antineoplastic agents for both breast and lung cancers treatment. Through this work, He will implement microfluidics and DoE to propose a robust bottom-up approach for therapeutic nanocrystal production. Finally, Abdelrahman will perform in vitro assessments of cytotoxicity and targetability, followed by in vivo pharmacokinetic and antitumoral studies for the optimized nanocrystals.

Research topics: Nanomedicine, nanocrystals, microfluidics, breast and lung cancers, in vitro and in vivo assessment, and DoE.

PhD Supervisor: Yohann CORVIS