Last week, during the 6th International Cancer Symposium of the CRCL Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, I had the chance to share part of my PhD work focused on hashtag#localimmunomodulation using radiofrequency and hashtag#smartimmunogel for metastasis treatment of hashtag#colorectalcancer.
Those three days were filled with encounters, discussion and exchanges.
I am deeply grateful to the hashtag#CRCL for providing me with this opportunity to present my work. I am especially grateful to my supervisor Nathalie Mignet, my co-supervisor Johanne Seguin, stephanie Bessoles and Salima HACEIN-BEY-ABINA for their constant support, as well as to all the UTCBS CNRS-Inserm-Université Paris Cité lab members ( Thanks to the fundings from Université Paris Cité, Faculté de Santé – Université Paris Cité, ED MTCI, la Ligue contre le cancer, CNRS and Inserm, this work would not have been done.